Cairsty DePasquale and student research assistant Jordan Wolfkill use zebrafish and a newly constructed swim tunnel to conduct research on exercise and the brain.
Natalie Zetts never intended to come to Penn State Altoona, let alone earn her degree from the college. But time has a funny way of changing attitude and perception.
Transportation infrastructure in Pennsylvania and the Mid-Atlantic region is expected to benefit from a multi-university transportation research program led by Penn State, through the Thomas D. Larson Transportation Institute, focusing on improving the durability and extending the life of the nation’s roads, railways, bridges and transit systems.
Professor Carolyn Mahan started out looking for wild chinchillas in Peru—believed to be extinct—and instead found half a dozen species of other rare wild mammals.
Alexander Diehm received the University Libraries Award for Information Literacy for his poster, “Using Photoconductive Decay (PCD) to Measure Minority Carrier Lifetime in Semiconductors,” at the Undergraduate Research and Creative Activities Fair.